2024 Committees, Task Forces & Representatives
Budget and Finance:
Chair: Xiaoqi Lin
Work with the Treasurer to ensure the financial stability of PSC.
Receive requests for budget allocations from PSC Committees and Task Forces.
Prepare and annual budget for the ensuing year for review and approval by the Board of Directors.
Recommend to the Board of Directors change is fees for the membership in collaboration with the chair of membership committee.
Submit a financial report to the Board of Directors.
Annually report to the Board of Directors.
Annually report on the findings of the end of year audit by a Certified Public Accountant.
Constitution and Bylaws:
Chair: Sara Monaco
Maintain and update the constitution and bylaws, and ensure bylaws are reviewed every six years.
Entertain any motions to alter the bylaws triggered by the membership and executive board.
L.C. Tao Educator of the Year and Yolanda Oertel Interventional Cytopathologist Award:
Chair: Marino E. Leon
Solicitation of Nominations:
Encourage members to nominate candidates who have made significant contributions to cytopathology education.
Ensure the nomination process is accessible and clearly communicated.
Review of Nominations:
Evaluate submissions based on established criteria such as the nominee’s service contributions to cytopathology education, and involvement in training programs.
Selection Process:
Conduct a fair and unbiased review of all candidates.
Select the recipient who best exemplifies the spirit of the award.
Award Presentation:
Organize the award presentation during the Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology Companion Meeting.
Prepare an announcement and any related materials to honor the recipient.
Post-Award Follow-Up:
Gather feedback on the award process to improve future cycles.
Maintain records of past recipients and their contributions.
Education and Training Taskforce:
Chair: Kelsey E. McHugh
Evaluate the effectiveness of the overall PSC CME and CE programs with the Scientific Program Committee and the International Scientific Program Committee.
Solicit educational content for pathology trainees (residents and fellows) for the PSC website cases of the month.
International Scientific Program Relations:
Chair: Zubair Baloch
Focus on developing companion scientific programs with international pathology societies and organizations.
Foster strong relationships with pathology organizations as well as organizations which focus on providing/improving the quality of much needed basic cytology screening services and education.
Co-Chairs: Shweta Agarwal (USA and Canada); Esther Diana Rossi (International)
Perform duties as directed by the Board of Directors to increase the membership roster and further the society’s goals of its members.
Screen and approve new members.
Work closely with the secretary treasurer to keep and maintain an updated list of all the paid members of the society.
Ensure all paid members have access (print and online) to the current and future line up of journals affiliated with PSC.
Chair: Claire Michael
Submit the names of nominees to offices elected by the membership (President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and members-at-large positions).
Make to the Board of Directors at least 90 days before the Annual Meeting at which the nominees will be considered.
Make at least two nominations for President-Elect and at least one nomination for each of the remaining positions on the Board of Directors to be filled by vote of the voting members.
Submit a report at least thirty days prior to the next Annual Meeting to the voting membership, for election will be by majority vote of the voting members by mail/fax/e-mail ballot.
Chair: Aparna Harbhajanka
Obtain from USCAP a listing of abstract proposals that have already been accepted by USCAP for its annual national meeting.
Review and score/rank abstracts submitted by first authors in training in the category of “Cytopathology”.
Choose “first place” and “second place” research awards for pathologists in training (residents and fellows) at USCAP meeting on an annual basis.
Social Media:
Chair: Poonam Vohra
Developing and executing a social media strategy that aligns with the society’s goals and objectives.
Identifying areas for growth and engagement to increase the society’s presence on various social media platforms.
Monitoring trends in social media to adjust strategies as necessary.
Creating and maintaining social media resources for members or the community and the society.
Engaging with the audience through regular updates, responses to comments, and interactive content.
Collaborating with other committees or members to ensure a cohesive approach to the society’s online presence.
Analyzing and reporting on the effectiveness of social media campaigns and initiatives.
Chair: Hamza Gokozan
Overseeing the development and maintenance of the society’s website.
Advising on website content, ensuring it aligns with the society’s mission and goals.
Managing communications related to the website, which may include updates, listservs, and taking minutes of meetings.
Interacting with partners of leading organizations (ASC, IAC, ECC, etc.) to provide necessary updates.
Interacting with the company that hosts the website to ensure the site’s functionality.
Maintaining office equipment and internet functions related to the website, ensuring security systems and cybersecurity programs.
Providing recommendations on the design, graphics, placement of content, and functionality of the website.
Scientific Program:
Chair: Lester Layfield
Designate, organize, and conduct the scientific meetings and other educational efforts of the Society.
Seek to develop, submit proposal, and obtain feedback of companion scientific programs and/or presentations at various national and regional pathology societies including:
Companion Scientific Sessions at the USCAP Annual Meeting
Companion Educational Lunch Session at ASC.
Companion Scientific Session at ASCP.
Collaborate in Annual Papanicolaou Cytopathology Course as needed.